
爱猪网 《睿保乐、影子科技和扬翔股份建立合作,旨在通过养猪业数据创造有价值的服务和应用》

2018年12月05日    作者:admin

睿保乐,影子科技和扬翔股份建立合作, 旨在通过养猪业数据创造有价值的服务和应用

Nedap, Yingzi and Yangxiang start collaboration to create value from data in pig farming



The three companies - all with a leading position in their own field of expertise in the Chinese pig production industry - announce a strategic partnership with the aim of creating valuable services and applications from data in pig farming. During EuroTier in Hannover, the official kick-off took place through a signing ceremony.

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Combined forces




Nedap is a global market leader in automation solutions for individual pig management throughout the entire production cycle. The fast-growing Yingzi develops an intelligent ecosystem platform that supports the entire vertical industry from pig farms to dining table.

Yangxiang is a reputable pig producer focused on progressive agricultural industrialization. Yangxiang already successfully applies the advanced technology of both Nedap and Yingzi in its business operations. The company scales up its pig production and constantly invests in these future-proof technologies in which it strongly believes.

The three parties are joining forces in this new collaboration to give a strong boost to the next generation of data and information services.


New services and applications

that strengthen pig producers



The starting point in the first phase is identifying opportunities and possibilities to create new services and applications based on the data generated by Nedap solutions at Yangxiang facilities.

Nedap's solutions gather a world of information with regard to nutrition, growth, health and fertility of individual animals. This data offers enormous potential to strengthen various stakeholders in the pig industry in China and beyond. Both on operational and strategic levels. New insights and functionalities that can be obtained from this, should ideally contribute to optimally efficient, safe and transparent pig production.


——睿保乐全球首席执行官Ruben Wegman

“I am very happy with the cooperation with Yangxiang and Yingzi, key players in China. Our businesses complement each other perfectly and together we will bring the value of data in the pig industry to the next level.“

——Ruben Wegman, CEO at Nedap


”Yangxiang has been very focused on adopting technologies for pig farming. We are happy to see companies like Nedap and Yingzi to help us. More technologies applied to our industry will bring a bright future for Yangxiang and for China“



Dr. Xiangdong Liu

VP of Pig Farming Group, Yangxiang Ltd.

“我们正在通过数字技术改造养猪业,有像睿保乐和扬翔这样的合作伙伴,我感到非常荣幸。我们对未来抱有共同的愿景。 我相信,我们今天签署的这份战略合作协议将在未来促成更多更深入的合作。”

”We are on a journey to transform the swine industry with digital technologies. It is fortunate that we have partners like Nedap and Yangxiang. We share the same vision of the future. I am confident that this MOU we signed today will lead to more collaborations in the future.“


Dr. Jackson He

CEO of Yingzi Technology Ltd.


Integrated solutions


Both Nedap, Yingzi and Yangxiang play an important role in researching and developing these services and applications. Each party focuses on its own expertise and the added value that can be generated in that area. By simultaneously sharing data and knowledge, working together and combining technologies, development is accelerating and new integrated solutions can emerge from this collaboration in the near future.
